October 16, 2022

Num. 9-10 Instructions for the Journey

Passage: Numbers 9-10
Service Type:

In Numbers 9-10, God continues to instill principles of dedication and direction. With the Passover feast, God teaches us how important it is to remember His deliverance. This remembrance helps motivate the Israelites to take on a journey that is difficult but very possible with God’s help. God also helps his people by sending a cloud that lowers where they are to camp and rises to indicate they should go on their journey. From this, God makes it abundantly clear that He is with His people and directs his people. Chapter 10, instructs the Israelites to create silver trumpets that the Israelites priests would blow to provide instructions to the camp. The trumpets also serve as a way for the Israelites to show their dedication to the LORD. Please join us and listen in to today’s study to learn more!